Book New Years Resolutions: Part I

The New Year is almost upon us so here’s a countdown to all the books I read and loved this year and what they taught me to do better in 2019! I’ll be separating this posts into 9 parts throughout the New Year and into 2019 so keep a tab on to see all my favorite reads from 2018!


Note: these are books I read in 2018. It doesn’t necessarily mean they were pubbed that year.



by Jason Reynolds

Reasons why I loved this book:

-Succchh great writing

– Ali, Noodles, Needles and literally every single character in this book feel fully fleshed out and real and whole. I love them all!


-Needles is my heart

-Black boys who are happy and whole and flawed, and growing, and free to make mistakes and have joy and live and this book is everything

-Just a really fun book that made me smile and feel happy and whole

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: Be there for my peps when they need me but also learn + let go of those relationships that have driven their course  

Also do more #SketchyReviews

This is the drawing I did while listening to the audiobook of WHEN I WAS THE GREATEST. Which is also a brilliant audiobook. I loved this book. I love these people. If you want joy and happiness, pick up this book

Yes Noodles is reading Miles Morals. Because Jason Reynolds wrote—see what I did there—okay so go watch Spider-man: Into the Spider Verse because its  amazing. You’re welcome.


Sketchy review when i was the greatest.jpg


Two days in a row! That’s a new streak for me.

Today’s 15 minute drawing challenge was:


Reference photo: Jessica

Pose: profile


Negative space (haha didn’t do that…)

Book; cover

Color (I realize I can’t really add color since I’m only using pens for these so sure)

And the final result is:

Figuring out art again

I’m trying something new (again? I know but you can’t quit/forget about a project if you don’t start it, am I right?). So I’m giving myself 15 minutes to do a sketch based off a composition, concept, and color every day. And then once a week, I’m going to select one of the drawings and fully realize it. So…let’s see how long this lasts… #15Csaday #1sketchadaychallenge

#SketchyReviews Introduction

I’ve been thinking and talking about @brownbookworm ‏’s thread about reviews (which you can find here)  and I just really feel the need to up my game and pick up something I used to enjoy which is writing reviews. I already have my trailer review series (which you can find here in the archives) and I will probably be picking that up again as I dip back into trailer watching, but something I want to dedicate more of my time to is reading works by black creators and just talking about them, dissecting them, falling in love, critiquing, and sharing my thoughts. It’s something that’s sorely been lacking on my part and I really want to make a better effort at it. So, with that in mind, I’ll be continuing (or starting in this case) a series where I listen to audiobooks, make art, and write reviews.

The first of these I ever did was for We’ve Got a Job and Brown Girl Dreaming which you can find here. Currently, I’m reading When I was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds (which I am loving) and I’ll pick up more books as I go.

Image result for jason reynolds when i was the greatest

Right now, my audiobooks are limited to what’s available on Overdrive which basically lets you borrow books from your public library. While it’s a great resource, the only caveat is that there are very few audiobooks available (at least in the YA space and definitely in terms of recent titles) that are written by black writers. The good part about it though is that I’ll be able to leave reviews for older titles and more obscure books so at least there’s that!

A brief summary of how this works

I pick an audiobook

Start a drawing

and then hopefully, I will finish that initial drawing before the audio book ends unlike my first attempt which took me 2 audiobooks to finish 1 drawing.

By the halfway point of the audiobook, I’ll start a new drawing based on the book I’m reading. I want to specifically do that because there’s already so little fan art made based off books by black creators so I thought, why not kill two birds and all that jazz.

I’m currently on chapter 1 of When I Was the Greatest and this is the art piece I’m working on now.


It’s a drawing I made from Inktober but never got to post because my computer messed up during that time. While I’m listening to the audiobook, I want to make an illustrated version of this. So far, my thoughts on When I Was the Greatest are that I love the characters and I really don’t want any of them getting hurt. Also, can I pleaze get a Stranger Things remix of this book?  THNX.

You can follow my art/reading progress via the #SketchyReviews hashtag and once I finish, I’ll post the final piece and review.

All About Eve

USA | 1950 | black and white | 138 minutes


Directors Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Notable cast Bettie Davis, Anne Baxter

Production company 20th Century Fox

The film  All About Eve presents a meaningful look at mentorship, particularly in our growing culture of celebrity worship. Bettie Davis stuns as the distant by kind Margo Channing, an actress whose stardom is on the decline, while Anne Baxter brings a subtleness to her portal of the fanatical Eve Harrington. In the film, Eve’s aims for fame bring her falling to great lengths as she plots, ploys, and schemes her way to the top using Margo’s pedestal as her platform. The film examines the boundary between admiration and obsession, asking viewers what the costs are for crossing that sacred line.


Watch the Trailer

note: classic movie trailers are either ridiculously dramatic, painstakingly slow, or completely unrelated to the actual story of the films themselves.



All About Eve has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever heard in a film.  The characters are sharp, smart, and full of wit, and the actors play it off with a mixture of charm, sass, and sincerity that sparks on the screen. While the film doesn’t address (and notably so) the role race plays in its gender and class critique, Eve Harrington is for all intents and purposes, the embodiment of white womanhood in play. With her “good” intentions and quiet ambitions, Eve strikes her way to the top, weaponizing her vulnerable position in society in order to participate in the system (the male dominated film/theater industry in this case) that so shut her out. Eve’s act may have won her fame and accolades, but it’s the audience and Margo Channing that’s left standing once her curtain falls.

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Side note: Marylin Monroe is in this film. If you’ve seen her performance in this film, then you’ve pretty much seen 75% of her movies. The girl has no range, but at least in this film, she’s at her best.

Similar Films:


Working Girl (1988)

Image result for working girl film

Working Girl follows Tess McGill (Melanie Griffith) a receptionist looking to advance her career as she navigates the realm of office politics under her boss Katherine Parker (Sigourney Weaver). When Tess’ idea is stolen by Katherine, she becomes determined to build her own road to success, one that exists  outside of the sterile pathways of the office. Dawning Katherine’s position and prestige, she initiates a major deal with an investment broker (Harrison Ford) that has Tess falling in more ways than one.


I’ll be honest, the first time I saw Working Girl was exactly three days before I wrote this. I caught a glimpse of it on TV, and I managed to record and watch it on the next showing. After watching the film, I kind of have to say that I’m obsessed. I pretty much loved it, except for that awkward and entirely uncomfortable scene where Tess wakes up in Harrison Ford’s bed unsure of what happened to her the night before. (I’m still not sure what happened there…). Tess’ initial admiration for Katherine as her boss and as a woman, and the disillusionment that occurs after she’s betrayed, addresses an interesting element about mentorship that many of the movies avoid: What happens when the person you admire disappoints you? How do you react, how do you move forward, and most of all, how do you come to terms with relying on yourself?

working girl.gif

Working Girl is funny, cute, but above all sharp in the way the film is structured. In the beginning of the film viewers are discontent with the quiet knowledge that Katherine really isn’t a mentor for Tess, but by the end, they can feel a sense of pride knowing that Tess will be the mentor she always needed, for herself and others.


Chicago (2002)

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Roxie Hart is a “STAR”, or at least, she dreams of becoming one. When she’s arrested and charged for the murder of her lover, Roxie finds herself on death row along with stars like Velma Kelly, a Jazz performer who Roxie once worshiped. In Chicago, stars don’t shine as bright behind bars, and the line between fame and infamy is blurred as Roxie and Velma dance and sing circles around the chopping block.

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Chicago is witty, it’s funny, and the musical numbers are a blast. Queen Latifah stuns as Mama, the corrupt prison warden whose kind gestures come at a price, and Renée Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones shine as Roxie and Velma, their snarky banter always keeping viewers on their toes. The film portrays greed, backstabbing, and the antics of the most conniving in society,  in a way that cleverly skirts the line between glamorization and condemnation. The cast is exceptional, and while I could have gone with less Richard Gere and more of Lucy Lu (like really, only a small cameo? How you gonna play Lucy Lu like that Chicago?), the film starts and stops with a bang.

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Strangers on a Train (1951)

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Trading murders sounds like a good idea, until it doesn’t. At least, that’s what tennis player Guy Haines (Farley Granger) realizes when the proposition somehow comes up (like really, when does this happen?) during a conversation with a stranger on a train. When Bruno, the stranger with sinister intentions, actually goes through with the murder plot, Guy finds himself being blackmailed to fulfill his side of the deal.

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Strangers on a Train is chilling. I remembered being entirely engrossed when I first saw the movie way back when. Now, I’m finding myself looking back to the film, questioning the role women played in it as props to men’s ambitions. I don’t know if the film tackled these questions (knowing Hitchcock, I doubt it), but notwithstanding these uncertainties, there is an excitement to Strangers on a Train that never dies down. The film poses the question of whether a crime begins at the conception of the thought and takes it to interesting (if not fully realized) lengths.

Mariah Carey’s Obsessed: not exactly a movie, but I’d consider it the theme songs of all these movies

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For my next post, I’ll look at Beyond the Lights, but if you want to read about Creed, Kitty, and the other films featured in my mentorship series, click the links below!



Mentorship at the Movies Overview